Issue with export data component , header text does not appear on the excel sheet
Issue with export data component , header text does not appear on the excel sheetContent
Hello All,
I am using the export data which I download from the plugin. My issue is that the export work for the excel but the header text does not appear from the excel.
Please find my code:
<oj-sample-export-data id="oj-sample-export-data-975848420-1"
include-header-row="false" data="[[$page.variables.getImportedPayrollDataListSDP]]" columns='[{"field":"department","headerText":"department","type":"string"},{"field":"person_number","headerText":"person_number","type":""}]' file-name="Payroll_Data.csv" max-rows="5000"></oj-sample-export-data>
And find attached excel once I click on the export button.
I would like to know if i miss something and why the headerText does not appear on the excel sheet