Opportunity Search Behavior in CX Cloud Mobile
Opportunity Search Behavior in CX Cloud MobileContent
Hi all,
The name of my opportunities are created automatically and is made up of "OptyNumber + creation date". For example: "21779 - 2020-06-12 13: 53: 51.428"
In the Mobile app, when I search for this Opportunity (magnifying glass icon) entering the first four numbers of the name "21779" returns more than one record.
For this example, bring two opportunity records in this order:
21779 - 2020-06-12 13:53:51.428
21778 - 2020-06-12 13:47:46.21
1- Why do searches sometimes bring more than one record? Is this behavior normal?
2- Is it possible to change the behavior so that the result of this search only brings up a single record? In this example, the first and not the second. Or wildcard search? (I have tested with quotation marks but it doesn't work)