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Default Movement Logic

edited Aug 13, 2020 2:20PM in Financial Consolidation and Close 2 comments


We have configured defaults movements for all level 0 balance sheet accounts but have noticed that in some cases a closing balance is generated when it should not.


For example, if I look at the closing balance for stock FCCS calculates a value of 100 even though the value is zero.

P12 Yr19 (in FCCS)                          P1 Yr20 (data input)                    in FCCS

Stock 100                                          Stock 0                                           Stock 100

Debtors 200                                     Debtors 250                                     Debtors 250

I can fix the problem by enetering a zero into FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input for Stock in P1 FY20 and reconsolidating but this isn't a good solution. Does anyone know if this is the expected behaviour or a bug?


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