Getting Undefined error while using extended java script
I have extended the java script of product listing style widget. But when I tried to bind the observable from extended js to the template, it is giving error.Content
I have a standard widget Product listing style widget, I have extended the java script of the same from admin console. Within the extended java script I have created an observable and I am trying to bind that observable to the widget template code. But when I tried that I am getting undefined error in the console. Can you please help me in this.
Code Snippet
//template code <span data-bind="text: firstname"></span> //extended js /** * @fileoverview extendproductListing_v15.js. * * @author */ define( //--------------------- // DEPENDENCIES //--------------------- ['knockout','viewModels/productListingViewModelFactory','CCi18n','ccConstants', 'pubsub', 'pageLayout/product', 'storageApi', 'ccStoreConfiguration'], //----------------------- // MODULE DEFINITION //----------------------- function (ko, ProductListingViewModelFactory, CCi18n, CCConstants, pubsub, Product, storageApi, CCStoreConfiguration) { var widgetModal; var repositoryId = widget.category().repositoryId; console.log("rep id"+repositoryId); "use strict"; return { // myValue: ko.observable(false),