Groovy - Issue passing environment variable to calc script template
Environment variable defined in groovy script is not passing over to calc script templateContent
We are defining an environment variable in our groovy template and then passing it as a parameter to a calc script template. The issue is that the groovy template fails to compile and requests that the variable be escaped with {}. When we add the {} brackets we still get the same error (see both examples below, blue font; error has been uploaded as an image):
- assignScript = """%Template(name:="CAP_OL_CALC_Shift Out",application:="DCAT",plantype:="DCATPLN",dtps:=("Company_Code":=[[$rtps.Company_Code]],"ShiftAccount":=[[$rtps.ShiftAccount]],"ShiftAmount":=[[$rtps.ShiftAmount]],"ShiftBlock":=[[$rtps.ShiftBlock]],"ShiftPeriod":=[[$rtps.ShiftPeriod]],