How to override source filter date using groovy rest api
I am trying to override source filter effective date using groovy rest api in order to run the DM integration rule for today's date. But I get the below error I tried various ways to pass the date but still not working
Invalid Validation Type 'DATE' specified for the property : 'Effective Date'
def date = new Date()
def sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
println sdf.format(date)
// Load product volumes from DM to Planning
HttpResponse<String> jsonResponse = operation.application.getConnection("DM").post()
.body(json(["jobType":"INTEGRATION", "jobName":"EPM_HCM_EPBCS_BUD", "periodName":"{Jan-21}", "importMode":"REPLACE", "exportMode":"STORE_DATA",