How to in Planning Forms using VBA for SmartView?
I have data input forms with two selectors - Entity and Product. In EPBCS environment before switching from one intersection to another, I have to go to a dropdown and select <Clear Selection> option, otherwise my invalid intersection check may not allow me to make a new selection.
Is there any way to simulate this <Clear Selection> selection using VBA? I tried to add something like
sts1 = HypSetActiveMember("Entity", "<Clear Selection>")
to my previously working code but it didn't work out. There is an excerpt from my code below, with nonessential parts removed. Any suggestions?
To put things into perspective, I use it for an automated process, where a user supplies a list of Entity/Product intersections, and then a macro plugs in these intersections into a form, one intersection at a time, refreshing the form for each intersection, and then submitting it without making any changes. This process calls all business rules associated with the form for the specified intersections, and that's what I ultimately need - to call the business rules. Calling the form and submitting it without making any changes was the best way I could have thought of. Any ideas how to do