Navigation List in VBCS
I tried to do the navigation list example using below URL , it is not working. can you guide what is missing...
1. for oj-navigation list defined as on-selection-changed="[[$listeners.ojNavigationListSelection]]" selection="[[$page.currentFlow]]"
2. defined a custom event ojNavigationListSelection
3. defined custom event listener on the above event - Action chain like below
"actions": {
"if": {
"module": "vb/action/builtin/ifAction",
"parameters": {
"condition": "{{ $chain.variables.navigate }}"
"outcomes": {
"true": "navigateToVariablesPage"
"navigateToVariablesPage": {
"module": "vb/action/builtin/navigateToPageAction",
"parameters": {
"history": "push",
"page": "[[$]]"
4. Input params to action chain as - screen shots attached
5. Also, navigation is coming on top, what needs to be done to come on the left side menu....