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Non-currency data type doesn't prevent currency translation?

edited May 19, 2021 9:23AM in Financial Consolidation and Close 3 comments


I have various balance "type" accounts that are non-financial.. (i.e. headcount) that I would like to behave has my other asset or liability accounts with opening balances and movements, but be excluded from the currency translation.  I set these to non-currency data type, but they still translate it seems.

If I set these to saved assumption account type (which also for some reason has a non-currency aspect on this attribute) they don't translate, but don't generate opening balances.  This is fine for income type accounts, but not balance accounts.

I can change the time balance from Flow to Balance, but then I lose the movement perspective (i.e. headcount change correlation to salary expense).  I also lose the handy ability to even set different movements (ie. new hires vs fires). 


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