When a base entity member is shared in alternate hierarchy, the data at Parent Input -> Parent Curre
Hello Team,
We have Below Entity hierachy
|_ A1 Primary
|_ A1 Shared
We have posted a data on Parent input of A1 primary. We expecting to see this data to be shared on B.A1.
But is not happening.
We have gone through the manual which says below.
Data is proportionalized to the Proportion member from Entity Total or from Parent Total (if Parent Input is enabled). Proportionalization applies the Consolidation % defined for the child/parent combination to all source data points.
Data can be entered to Parent Input in the currency of the parent. Parent Input is therefore specific to the entity / parent combination and aggregates only to the specified parent entity. If an entity is shared and has more than one parent then there will be more than one Parent Input point available. Parent Input is an optional Consolidation dimension member and must be enabled in order to be used.