How to refer Parent source system id in HDL transformation Fast formula
Hi Everyone,
We have a requirement of an Inbound interface to fusion HCM were we get a comma separated flat file form another system for worker data. We have to create the worked using the data in the flat file. For this we are planning to use HDL Transformation Fast Formula feature for this requirement.
While we are doing a POC for this we found that we are not able to pass parent SourceSystemId as reference to Parent object. For example, if we are creating person details from scratch we will not know the fusion person IDs. So in HDL data file METADATA we use a column PersonId(SourceSystemId) and pass the person Source system ID as reference to the parent. But how to use this in HDL transformation. By default, the transformation is creating a data file with only PersonId as METADATA and it is not accepting source system ID. Is there any way to