REST web service to Create an Associated Project fails with an error
Hi Gurus,
I wanted to Create an Associated Project under Contract Lines using the REST web service:
"ProjectNumber": "HC1002",
"FundingAmount": 94444,
"CurrencyCode": "USD"
I get the 400 Bad Request:
"title": "Bad Request",
"status": "400",
"o:errorDetails": [
"detail": "Attribute set for BillingTypeCode in entity ContractRestAM.ContractAllLineEO_ContractProjectLink_ContractAllLineVOToAssociatedProjectVO_AssociatedProjectVO failed",
"o:errorCode": "27004",
"o:errorPath": "/BillingTypeCode"
I can add the above project and amount from the front-end but REST is giving an error message. Have you seen this error message and if so, please let me know how to resolve it.
Thank you!