Functionlity for Swap contract
Is there any standard functionality exists to dealt with Swap contract (For volume settlement) with producersContent
Is their any existing functionality to implement this business case or any future release?
There is a swap contract between Company X (Implementing Fusion) and 3rd producer.
Case 1 (Contract term: settle volume within 1 month):
1. Company x asks Producer ABC to ship 20 Ton Ammonia to a location on 01-Jul-2021
2. Company x ships 20 Ton Ammonia on 31-Jul-2021 to a location provided by Producer ABC
3. Volume is settled hence no invoicing is required as per contract.
Case 2 (Contract term: settle volume within 1 month):
1. Company x asks Producer ABC to ship 20 Ton Ammonia to a location on 01-Jul-2021