Why my data is not been written in the oracle database?
Hi, I'm green in OCI Data Integration. Some doubts here regarding "Target Operator". Let me try to explain: I'm doing a flow using 2 sources from ADW (Source A and Source B). Nice and clean! Just one data type transformation and a Lookup to relate both sources and then append data from source B into source A. My job is to get the data, related both and then write all the columns it in the schema/table.
The case is: in the last step until Target operator (lookup), I am able to see the data in the panel, from source A and B related. In the Target operator I choose to write the flow as "Insert > Create a new entity" in the ADW schema test and table my_first_test. When the task ends and I select * from the table there is nothing from the source B in the table, just from the source A!!! What I am doing wrong in this case? May I create another step after lookup, like a new expression to to something?