Problem in adding attachment to message on Service Request using REST service
I am trying to create an attachment using the below REST service. I have provided the request and response payloads. The response seems to have created the attachment. But I am not able to see the attachment on B2B Service -> Service Request Page. Is there anything I am missing? Is there a sample payload that anyone can share for the same.
Content (required):
Request Payload:
"FileName": "TestUplodAttachment.txt",
"FileContents": "dGVzdGluZyBhdHRhY2htZW50Lg=="
Response Payload:
"AttachedDocumentId": 300000510067639,
"LastUpdateDate": "2021-12-23T11:44:51.218+00:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "CohuSVC.Integration",
"DatatypeCode": "FILE",
"FileName": "TestUplodAttachment.txt",