Where to download sas_snmp?
sas_snmp is missing
Content (required):
I have two exadata machines, on two different customers, one is X8-2 (image 19.3.8/ OEL 7.7) and the other is X8M-2 (image 21.2.5 / OEL 7.9)
I'm trying to add those machines to a monitoring tools (Observium)
X8-2 can be monitored successfully (CPU, Memory, Filesystem and Disks)
While for X8M-2, the physical disk information is not there.. Just CPU, Memory and Filesystem
After doing some digging, i found that the sas_snmp package is not there on the X8M-2, while on X8-2 i can see the package..
=== X8-2 ===
[root@drcdbadm01 ~]# rpm -qa | grep snmp