Message not consuming from Weblogic JMS Queue into ICS flow
Message not consuming from Weblogic JMS Queue into ICS flowContent
Hi All
I am trying to push message into weblogic JMS queue and consume from ICS flow.
But in weblogic it shows Consumers current on queue is 0, means ics JMS connection not polling weblogic for messages.
Below is the ICS connection config in integration
In on-premise Agent logs I can see the below error
<Warning> <oracle.soa.adapter.jms> <BEA-000000> <JmsDDEndpoint_onFailure: While trying to lookup 'jms.aia/AIA_Collections_JMSQ' didn't find subcontext 'jms'. Resolved ''>
Seems not bale to find the JMS queue. Please suggest the solution.