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Fire Data Provider Event Mutation Adding Multiple Rows Not Working


I am trying to figure out how to mutate an ADP by adding multiple rows at the same time.

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In the console, I see:

FireDataProviderEventAction called with a mutation event for operations: ["add"] and payloads: [{"data":[{"id":1116,"item_number":"BI1001Tires","item_description":"Tires","parent_id":1116},{"id":1118,"item_number":"BI1001Seat","item_description":"Seat","parent_id":1118},{"id":1117,"item_number":"BI1001HandleBars","item_description":"Handle Bars","parent_id":1117}],"keys":["\"[1116,1116]\"","\"[1118,1118]\"","\"[1117,1117]\""],"indexes":["0","0","0"]}] respectively.

The payload "data" property looks correct to me. I am not sure if I am populating the "keys" and "indexes" right.

Only 1 row is being added to the ADP. Ideally, I would actually like to add the rows UNDER the row that is selected, but I wasn't sure how to do that using either the "addBeforeKeys" property or the "indexes" property.


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