Does rounding in MR work on exact value in Essbase?
Summary: We facing an issue where a simple column formula [B] - [A] not giving desired results
Content (required): Column A = 2862.50377 and Column B =1527.015 . Formula column in [B] - [A], and all 3 columns have formatting with scale of thousands with 0 decimals. When the report is run Column A and Column B show values 2863 and 1527 respectively but the 3rd column which is formula is calculating as (1335) which is based on the stored value in essbase (1527.015 - 2862.50377 = 1335.48877). But what we are expecting is (1527 - 2863 = 1336). Tried using round function in the 3rd column ROUND([A],0) - ROUND [B],0) but that is not working. Any