Can I use a range of Periods in a groovy script that pass parameters to Data Maps
Summary: I need to use a range of Periods in a groovy script that pass parameters to Data Maps
Content (required):
I wrote the following groovy script to pass parameters to Data Maps
/* RTPS:{rtpExpYear1}{rtpStartMonth}*/
operation.application.getDataMap("DM_MRCalc_to_DFSRptg").execute([Scenarios: rtps.rtpPlnFcstScenario.enteredValue, Years:rtps.rtpExpYear1.enteredValue,YearTotal:rtps.rtpStartMonth.enteredValue],true).
I need to change YearTotal:rtps.rtpStartMonth.enteredValue to be a range YearTotal:rtps.rtpStartMonth.enteredValue:[Dec]. It did not like any of the variations of syntax I tried.
Is there a way to convert