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Promise Asynchronous error (train component)


Created variable with the needed steps (5 steps in the train component) as default value. Creating ADP to be loaded on page load (vEnter) from another BO for Data to be binded to some fields in the form.

Content (required):

Variable with default values : called steps having train component steps. As follow:

[{ 'steps': '1'; 'value:' 'enter'; 'disabled': false}, { 'steps': '2'; 'value:' 'step2'; 'disabled': true}, ... and so on to a number of 5 steps.

Variable called selectedStep

BO2: for Data to be binded to some fields in forms during the life cycle of the train component.

ADP: from BO2 with vEnter event listner On page load. And key attribute I used @index .

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