Does the borrowed and lent work for generating journals between 2 LE on the same ledger
We are thinking of implementing the borrowed and lent functionality, and we have a particular scenario where we would like to know if this could work.
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We have the following scenario Provider BU A/LE A/ Ledger 1 and Receiver BU B/LE B/Ledger 1. Could the borrowed and lent functionality be used for cross-charging costs, basically generating accounting journals in LE A and in LE B?
My starting point was the below question and the answer provided by Andy May-Coates-Oracle there.
- "So in your case, where you require a single expenditure (e.g. time card) in BU "A" / Ledger "A" / LE "A" to cross-charge to a project in BU "B" / Ledger "B" / LE "B",