Error: Report data size exceeds the maximum limit under the free memory threshold
**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR)
Summary: There are Bi jobs to export data from CX Sales to an external server, every two hours.
One of the jobs has failed to run with the following error:
Detail Message:
::JOB_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS{1.9}::JOB_FETCH_TIME_SECONDS{37.5}::JOB_EXECUTION_TIME_SECONDS{37.6}::JOB_PRIORITY_COLON_NORMAL::Report data size (102838803 bytes) exceeds the maximum limit (52428800 bytes) under the free memory threshold (524288000 bytes). Stopped processing.::[INSTANCE_ID=bip.bi_server1]
The report associated with the job has around 81k records. The last run of the job was successfully completed.