Default values in Case Create Screen
How to default fields in dynamic form to a dynamic value from rest?
Content (required):
In Service>Case>Create screen we have the requirement to default the Queue to a specific item and Reported By field to the logged in user.
How to do this?
My team says via Groovy/triggers we cannot do this in AppComposer and this has to be done in VBS.
I can default fields to hardcoded values in VBS. But I can’t default fields to dynamic values such as queue (queue id different in different environments) and reported by (logged in user different). I tried a lot of things. Setting default value in fields tab does not work because from there username information is not set which is needed to retrieve the logged in user party id. Another workaround is from the template in the dropdown component directly using value item property. In the template we have the username information, but I cannot get this working because the rest call