BRAZIL - Enter the FDC Lease Invoice with PO and Own Issue Invoice in the FDG
We have a scenario here in Brazil, in Leasing operations, where we need to issue the Invoice through the FDG (own issue) and register this Invoice in the FDC with a PO.
Own issuance is necessary because the Lessor is usually a financial institution, which is not a taxpayer and does not issue invoices.
Content (required):
In this scenario, the Invoice is issued with CFOP 2949/5949 and Nature of Operation “ENTRY OF COMMERCIAL LEASING” which is a Purchase/Lease operation. They are materials that will have a Purchase Order (PO), where we need to register the NF in the FDC, send the material to the stock (INV) in an Expense sub-inventory, register it in Accounts Payable (AP) for subsequent shipment to Fixed Assets ( AF).