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Why this Alert for Learning module doesn't work?
Alert does not retrieve data.
Content (required):
I made a custom alert, the only filter I used is the one below (see also "Code Snippet" section).
Recipients are these (I tried every possibility):
If I try the condition on BI Publisher the query returns data but this alert don't:
Result: I don't get any notification when assigned to a course.
What could it be?
Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):
Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
exists (SELECT 'x' from dual where ${assignmentCreatedDate} >= (select max(trunc(sysdate)) from hrc_alert_runs runs, hrc_alerts_b alerts where runs.alert_id = alerts.alert_id and alerts.alert_code = '026336D7F5550261E063A096410A037A'))