While scanning 2D barcodes,the entire string is being parsed instead of the individual value
Summary: When executing pick/pack tasks using the RF after waving, users are expecting to scan a 2D barcode to populate the various values required to pick/pack the OBLPN. However, when users scan the barcode, the entire string is being parsed instead of the individual value. We need to configure the system to pick the individual identifier data from the entire string at the required prompt, i.e. when prompted for the SKU
Content (required):
Users are expecting to scan a 2D barcode containing item information (SKU, COO, Qty, Lot#, etc.) at the time of pick/pack in the RF. However, at each prompt, only the required identifier value should be parsed into the RF, and not the entire string of the 2D barcode. Currently, the entire barcode value is being parsed into each prompt.