Requisition FBDI Upload Error - first time trying to upload
We have been on Oracle for 2 years and have never tested the Requisition FBDI upload. My attempt to upload to test that the upload process works is resulting in an error at what I am assuming is the header level, but that assumption is only based on the fact that the header level fields are the values listed in the bad.txt file.
Content (required):
I know that often when determining which fields should be completed in an FBDI upload, it is based on how one's system is configured. I have attached a word document which includes screenshots from our "enter a requisition line" page (for a manual req) as well as a screenshot from the actual requisition page in the hopes that can help you validate what is required. The word document also includes the values that were on the resulting bad.txt file and the log file after I loaded the attached zip file in the Load Interface File for Import process.