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list_compartments api call returning random results

Summary: I am making an API call to list all compartments in my environment. From looking at the total count that "Tenancy Explorer" shows in the GUI I see 101 compartments. However the API call returns between 98 and 101 compartments randomly.

Content (required):

I am using Python to query the OCI API and get a list count of compartments so that I can loop through these and list all instances in my environment

Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):

Package        Version

--------------------- ---------

binapy        0.7.0

certifi        2023.7.22

cffi         1.15.1

charset-normalizer  3.2.0

circuitbreaker    1.4.0

cryptography     41.0.2

furl         2.1.3

idna         3.4

jwskate        0.9.0

numpy         1.24.4

oci          2.108.0

orderedmultidict   1.0.1

pandas        2.0.3

pip          23.2.1

pycparser       2.21

pyOpenSSL       23.2.0

Howdy, Stranger!

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