document designer attribute configuration
Where can I configure the datetype so that in the document designer it will show a different format than the format of the attribute.
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I have a multiple language template, in this tempalte an attribute containing the Last Update Date of the quote is added. This attribute is formatted showing dd/mm/yyy hh/mm, however for three languages (English, German, Polish), the output of the document shows it in format dd/mm/yyyy.
Recently I added 4 new languages, however the attribute's output in the document is in format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, just like it shows in the attribute. SOMEWHERE there is a configuration where the format is changed for english, german, polish but I cannot find where this is. Does anyone have an idea where this configuration could have been done? I would like to make it so that for all languages it shows dd/mm/yyyy. I cannot change the date format of the attribute itself because it's shown on some screens where the time is needed to be shown too.