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Double maintenance on project task structures when installing a second language?

edited Oct 19, 2023 10:30AM in Project Management 1 comment


Is the consequence of installing a second language that it creates double maintenance for project administrators and project managers on project task structures?

Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):

Whenever a project administrator modifies a task name while his language preference is American English, a user whose language preference is Dutch (for example a time writer in OTL) still sees the initial task name. Example: the initial task name was 'Tsk 1', is renamed/corrected it to 'Task 1', the user with Dutch language preference still sees 'Tsk 1'.

Consequence seems to be that project administrators will have to maintain task names for both languages, whenever a task name is changed. This is achieved by changing the language preference and reopening the project with its task structure again, renaming the task, changing the language preference back to the preferred one again and reopening the project.

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