Balance sheet data for end-of-year adjustment periods is not loading correctly from GL in ERP?
• My agency accounting practices require the use of two adjustment periods following the 12th accounting period. The data load rule for income statement (i.e. "flow") accounts successfully loads adjustment period data into 12th month by selecting the option "Include Adjustment Periods" as "Yes". However, with balance sheet accounts, only the last adjustment period ("Period 14") should be loaded. Even by setting the "Include Adjustment Periods" to "Yes (Adjustment Only)", the data load rule brings in both adjustment periods, periods 13 & 14, resulting in a doubling of the values for most balance sheet accounts.
• Is there a recommended way to load only the Adjustment Period of Period 14 for the balance sheet data load rule? As a workaround, it is possible to delete Period 13, run the load rule specifying "Yes (Adjustment Only)", and then re-enter Period 13, but this is not desirable.