I was creating multi partitioned external table received error
Hello Tom i was creating multi partitioned external table from parquet file but end up having these error did so much research but not able find cause of this error please see below code and help me
my query
table_name => 'mysales',
credential_name => 'DEF_CRED',
file_uri_list => 'https://objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/n/idrzqj5ugpca/b/warehousedatastandard/o/SALES/*.parquet',
format =>
json_object( 'type' value 'parquet',
'schema' value 'first',
'partition_columns' value
json_object('name' value 'REGION', 'type' value 'varchar2(300)'),
json_object('name' value 'COUNTRY', 'type' value 'varchar2(300)')