The dictionary with name "oracle.apps.scm.doo.decomposition.assignLaunch.AssignLaunchRules" cannot b
When importing Sales Order via FBDI I get following error message:
"Order management did not import source order UAT-NO01-0000019 because of the following error: RUL-05209: The dictionary with name "oracle.apps.scm.doo.decomposition.assignLaunch.AssignLaunchRules" cannot be saved. The dictionary has already been modified and this version is older than the latest version in the repository. Edit the dictionary again to modify the latest version.
. oracle.apps.scm.doo.decomposition.assignLaunch.AssignLaunchRules."
Is this the process orchestration assignment rules? orchestration rules? Pre transformation rules? or which one is this about?
I guess I just need to publish it again?