Error when creating Pay Elements via API
We are attempting to create a pay element with API and running into an error that we are unable to resolve.
POST /hcmRestApi/resources/
effective-Of: RangeStartDate=2024-04-01
"CreatorType": "H",
"ElementName": "Gas Coupons",
"ElementTypeId": 300000014181989,
"EntryType": "E",
"EntrySequence": 1,
"PersonId": 300005246183973
"title": "Bad Request",
"status": "400",
"o:errorDetails": [
"detail": "Provide a valid value for RelationshipId.",
"o:errorCode": "27014"
"detail": "Failed to validate a row with key oracle.jbo.Key[300005246189315 ] in EntryUsageEO",
"o:errorCode": "27024"
"title": "An invalid combination of employment level values was specified for an assignment level element entry usage record. (PAY-1635364)",
"detail": "An invalid combination of employment level values was specified for an assignment level element entry usage record. (PAY-1635364) Details: Values for a payroll relationship, an employment terms and a payroll assignment are required for the usage record of an assignment level element entry, and the assigned payroll value must not be specified. The assignment must be a child of the employment terms, which must likewise be a child of the payroll relationship.",