Automate Daily Data Load By FDMEE
Hi everyone !
I need to automate daily data load and when using epm automate by command there's not variable period "daily" as value, ex:
I'm using the command runIntegration because its a directly integration data load.
For runIntegration i have the sintax :
"epmautomate runIntegration JOB_NAME importMode=Append|Replace|"Map and Validate"|"No Import"|Direct exportMode=Merge|Replace|Accumulate|Subtract|"No Export"|Check periodName={PERIOD_NAME}"
For values of my application i'm using:
epmautomate runIntegration JobTest importMode=Append exportMode=Accumulate periodName="x"
for periodName:
I need to use a value that's RUN EVERYDAY and not a single period (like Jan-24) or multiple period (like Jan-24 to Mar-24).