Visual Builder for Excel - Location Creation
Hi, I am attempting to create locations using VBAFE. After selecting upload on business object Locations V2, I received an error, "You must create a location with a main address. (PER-1531812) (PER:::PER_MAIN_ADDRESS_REQ)."
I have Location ID and Name as Ancestor columns on the child layout. Is it possible to create locations using VBAFE? If so, how can I resolve the error?
VBAFE version
Request Body:
"SetId": 1,
"SetCode": "COMMON",
"LocationCode": "H00-00",
"LocationName": "Apple Park Way",
"ActiveStatus": "A",
"EmployeeLocationFlag": true,
"Description": "Test",
"ShipToSiteFlag": true,
"OfficeSiteFlag": true,
"BillToSiteFlag": true,
"ReceivingSiteFlag": true,
"InventoryOrganizationName": "University General",
"InventoryOrganizationId": null
Response Body: