Contract Upload Error in Contract Terms tab
Attempting Word Add in redlining process via Contract Terms tab, Contract Actions, Download Contract.
Able to open and edit, review and accept changes in Word, saving document. When I upload in Oracle, I get "unable to upload contract" error with no error code or help text.
When uploading in background, the only part of the log file that looks suspicious is: Start method checkUploadedTermsXMLData
Exception in termsAuthoringAM initialization or calling processAsyncUploadContractjava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 7, Size: 5
Invoking termsAuthoringAM.handleAsyncUploadEssJob()
Start method handleAsyncUploadEssJob with parameters:
There is no support document that matches this description and the only one that Google digs up, was archived or deleted by Oracle.