Can Special Handling attributes from Req/POs be transferred to invoice?
Can this be done at the header or line level? We see that with the new Responsive SSP, we can create special handling type reqs and purchase orders. If we enter data in the context-sensitive DFFs for a special handling req, they transfer over to the PO.
But is there any way to get the info in one of these DFFs on a PO over to the AP invoice?
We are trying to use these to track project IDs for capital purchases that result in fixed assets. Ideally, we would have a requisitioner enter the ID in a DFF that will display if a req is designated with this special handling type. Then in a custom Fixed Asset report we have, we want to pull this ID in. But to do this, we need to get it to the AP invoice that is the FA source line. And we can only get it from Req to PO.