Using the filter parameter of the IDCS API
Hello, I want to dynamically call the IDCS API through Oracle Integration Cloud and retrieve people's IDCS information, but when I try to do it in the following way, I get an error. It can't get the variable in the variable. How can I fix this?
Here is the error message:
CloudInvocationException [ Fault Details :
<ns0:APIInvocationError xmlns:ns0="http:///getFirstManagerIDCSInfo">ns0:title/ns0:errorCode/ns0:type</ns0:type>Bad Request</ns0:title>ns0:errorCode400</ns0:errorCode><![CDATA[InboundJaxrsResponse{context=ClientResponse{method=GET, uri=https:/<mytenancy>, status=400, reason=Bad Request}}]]></ns0:errorPath>