Where can we find the list of cookies that are tracked with a distinction for each category?
In the implementation guide of Oracle Recruiting Cloud, a distinction is made between the essential and nonessential cookies. Starting from release 24B it is now possible to enable cookie preferences and provide additional opportunities to users to accept or decline cookies based on categories. Once enabled, the following categories are available:
- Strictly Necessary Cookies
- Functional Cookies
- Analytical and Performance Cookies
As a description, the implementation guide refers to the description on the configuration page of the career site. In this description it is not mentioned which cookies specifically are being tracked for that certain category. Candidates are also only able to view the description of the Strictly Necessary Cookies, Functional Cookies and Analytical and Performance Cookies but not an extended list of the exact cookies that will be tracked if they turn on the functional cookies analytical and performance cookies. Where can we find the extended list of cookies that are tracked with a distinction for each category (not