Double DIFAL taxable basis calculation
In Brazil, we have a tax named as DIFAL (it's the ICMS rate difference between ship to and ship from states).
The standard DIFAL we developed a logic to get it calculated perfectly.
Now, we need to create the double taxable basis for São Paulo. Let me share some values as example:
/*** EXAMPLE ***/
from MT to MG
Transaction value: R$1000
ICMS Interstate: 12%
ICMS Intrastate: 18%
=((Transaction value - (Transaction value * ICMS Interstate)) / (1 - ICMS Intrastate) * ICMS Intrastate) - (Transaction value * ICMS Interstate)
=((1000 - (1000 * 12%)) / (1 - 18%) * 18%) - (1000 * 12%)
Has someone faced this calculation already?
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