Multiple TRCS Data Integration with same EPM Source System with Different Map Members
We are currently pulling the Actuals from PBCS into TRCS for Legal Entities with CurrencyType as "Functional". However, currently we have received few new requirements in which Actuals needs to be pulled for some Jurisdictions for their respective Legal Entities with CurrencyType as "Reporting".
My approach was to create 2 integrations with the same PBCS system but with different mappings. One integration with source PBCS system mapping where the CurrencyType as "Functional" (1st Integration) and the other where the CurrencyType as "Reporting" (2nd Integration).
Additionally, I was planning to update the Map Members in the Edit Integration Window to include the Legal Entities which require Actuals in Functional currency for the 1st integration and include the Legal Entities which require Actuals in Reporting currency for the 2nd integration. However, on modifying the Map (Deleting Jurisdiction mapping in the 2nd Integration, the same jurisdiction also gets removed from the 1st Integration as well), the changes are happening in both the integrations. Though I have created separate Import Format and Location for both the Integrations, but both of these are referring to the same source PBCS