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OIC Gen 3 REST Adapter issue


Hello experts,

I am hoping you can help me with this issue. We upgrade our DEV OIC instance to GEN 3 and one of the REST Adapter is failing with error message that doesn't make sense.
Same Integration run just fine in OIC GEN 2 Production instance.

This is the error message in GEN 3, Error 400 missing Require Argument [base]
CloudInvocationException [ Fault Details : <nstrgdfl:APIInvocationError xmlns:nstrgdfl=""><nstrgdfl:type/><nstrgdfl:title/><nstrgdfl:detail/><nstrgdfl:errorCode/><nstrgdfl:errorDetails><nstrgdfl:type></nstrgdfl:type><nstrgdfl:title>Bad Request</nstrgdfl:title><nstrgdfl:errorCode>400</nstrgdfl:errorCode><nstrgdfl:errorPath>&lt;![CDATA[InboundJaxrsResponse{context=ClientResponse{method=GET, uri=, status=400, reason=Bad Request}}]]&gt;</nstrgdfl:errorPath><nstrgdfl:instance>&lt;![CDATA[{"code":2,"message":"Missing required argument: [base]"}.A 400 Bad Request Error indicates that the target service is unable (or refuses) to process the request sent by the client (Oracle Integration Cloud), due to an issue that is perceived by the server to be a client problem. You can trace the cURL representation of the request sent to the target service from the Oracle Integration Cloud server logs. Try invoking the target service using cURL. It may also be that one of the intermediaries (proxy, LBR) could be returning this code. ]]&gt;</nstrgdfl:instance></nstrgdfl:errorDetails></nstrgdfl:APIInvocationError>

Howdy, Stranger!

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