Can I set up a hybrid signature where the buyer signs on Docusign but Supplier signs offline?
I would like to set up an environment where we, the buyer, can initially sign through docusign, but the supplier prefers to sign offline and we can update the signature status for them once received their offline signature.
I think a scenario here might help to explain my need better. Normally if we sign through Docusign, the process will be We Sign, They Sign, Status Updated to Oracle, and Contract consider Approved.
However, in our case, we would want it to be We Sign on Docusign, They print out our contract, Signed Offline, and deliver it to us, Status Updated to Oracle, and Contract consider Approved. Therefore, the key problem here would be how we can ensure the contract remains a "Pending" state after We Signed, without having the contract considered Approved since there's only one signature required on the Docusign. This leads to the ultimate question of "Would this status update a process done on Oracle or Docusign?"