Integration execution failed, Outline load finished with errors.
Hi, I am trying to import data using data integration. Once I have run the integration. I am getting this error in log
"Outline load finished with errors"
Here is the log error
[Tue Aug 20 17:47:20 UTC 2024]Successfully located and opened input file.
[Tue Aug 20 17:47:20 UTC 2024]Input file being read with UTF-8 encoding.
[Tue Aug 20 17:47:20 UTC 2024]Date format pattern "MM-DD-YYYY" specified for date data type loading.
[Tue Aug 20 17:47:20 UTC 2024]Header record fields: Driver Member, Point-of-View, Data Load Cube Name, Value
[Tue Aug 20 17:47:20 UTC 2024]Located and using "OFADataLoadDimension" dimension for loading data in "TPFMC" application.
[Tue Aug 20 17:47:20 UTC 2024]HspOutlineLoad::dateFormatSpecified is true, SessionHalDateFormat stored on session: M/d/yy, sessionId: 1609616291