Sp HTTP 500/504 errors when using SOAP API in using BI Publisher
My team makes calls every 30 minutes to BI Publisher through a SOAP API to retrieve information we need to update tables on an on prem database.
We are making the calls from R-code within a SQL Stored Procedure on a Microsoft SQL Server. Most calls are successful, however, occasionally, we receive either HTTP 500 or 504 errors. We have built retires into the R-code, and in using those retries, 99% of the time when there is a failure
and a retry is performed (after a 60 second wait), the call is successful. No code, parameters, or amount of data are changed in retries, or in each 30 minute attempted call. Worth noting is that the HTTP 500 and 504 errors seem to happen more times than not in under 5 minutes time, closer to between 3 and 4 minutes. We have been unable to find any pattern to the failures.