switch condition cannot use current-date() function
Hi All,
I tried to use fn:current-date() in my switch condition like follow:
$f1_OHL_HCM_EMPLOYEE_DATA/ns25:OhlHcmEmployeeData/ns25:terminationDate >= fn:current-date() and $LoopData/ns30:LoopDataOutputCollection/ns30:LoopDataOutput/ns30:TERMINATION_DATE = ''
$f1_OHL_HCM_EMPLOYEE_DATA/ns25:OhlHcmEmployeeData/ns25:terminationDate is a loop about use ATP to select a table.
the integration runs with error:
"type" : "http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.5.1",
"title" : "Internal Server Error",
"detail" : "Internal server error. Please contact oracle support for details.",
"o:errorCode" : "500",
"o:errorDetails" : [ {
"type" : "UnMappedFault:",
"instance" : "NA",
"title" : "faultName: {{http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension}runtimeFault} cause: {Problem evaluating XPath expression}",