Getting error when using Oauth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials to connect to fusion ERP
I am trying to setup a a service connection to fusion ERP from Visual Builder (enabled within Gen3 OIC). Gen3 OIC and Fusion ERP are in the same domain. We created one a confidential app in the associated Identity Domain for setting up OAuth connections(ERP Adapter, REST and SOAP) in OIC Gen3. These connections are working fine in OIC. However when I setup a similar connection to SaaS in Visual Builder Tenant settings, I am getting 'Client authorization failed' error when testing a SaaS endpoint in design mode.
I am using the same confidential app that we created for OAuth connections in OIC. However I didnt know what value to populate for scope in the edit server section. So I used the same value that I used in OIC . ' offline_access'. See attached file that has screen shots of the configuration and error message. Would appreciate any inputs to resolve the error.