PBCS VBA Drill-Through Report Issue in Sheet View not working
Hi All,
From PBCS application, we are trying to drill through to source system i.e.
x = HypMenuVRefresh()
x = (x <> 0) Or HypGetDrillThroughReports(DrillOW.Name, DrillOW.Range("B174"), ids, Names, urls, urlTemplates, Types)
x = (x <> 0) Or HypExecuteDrillThroughReport(DrillOW.Name, DrillOW.Range("B174"), ids(0), Names(0), urls(0), urlTemplates(0), Types(0))
The VBA functions HypGetDrillThroughReports and HypExecuteDrillThroughReport in PBCS successfully initiate web-based drill-through reports, however, they do not activate the drill-through reports when accessed from within a sheet view.
Could you please guide what should be the drill through within a sheet view.
thanks a lot